Free-Breathing Radial 2D Phase Contrast MRI for Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity Measurements in Healthy Older Adults



In this oral presentation given at SMRA, I discuss our findings from our free-breathing pulse wave velocity (PWV) study in collaboration with the Okonkwo lab. Here, we assessed the feasibility of using radial 2D phase contrast MRI to measure aortic PWV, which is directly related to aortic stiffness. Because respiratory motion during a scan can result in bad image quality, PWV MRI scans are often performed under breath-hold conditions which can be sometimes be challenging. For this project, we allowed subjects to breath freely during the scan and used respiratory gating to retrospectively create images only in stationary respiratory phases, improving image quality. We also used regularized (local low rank) reconstructions to greatly improve image quality. We demonstrated no significant differences between our free-breathing technique and the standard breath-hold technique.


7 minutes (+3 minutes QA)


You can download a PDF version of the presentation slides here.