
When Less is More: FAST MR Protocols for Neuroradiology

Eisenmenger, L. B.*, Peret, A.*, Roberts, G. S., Spahic, A., Tang, C., Kuner, A., Grayev, A., Field, A., Rowley, H. A., & Kennedy, T. (2023). "When Less is More: FAST MR Protocols for Neuroradiology". Radiographics. doi: 10.1148/rg.220147

*Authors contributed equally to this work.

Reduced Basal Macrovascular and Microvascular Cerebral Blood Flow in Young Adults with Metabolic Syndrome: Potential Mechanisms

Carter, K. J., Ward, A. T., Kellawan, J. M., Harrell, J. W., Peltonen, G. L., Roberts, G. S., Al-Subu, A., Hagen, S. A., Serlin, R. C., Eldridge, M., Wieben, O., & Schrage, W. G. (2023). "Reduced basal macrovascular and microvascular cerebral blood flow in young adults with metabolic syndrome: potential mechanisms". Journal of Applied Physiology. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00688.2022

Beyond Time-of-Flight MRA - Review of Flow Imaging Techniques

Capel, K. W., Roberts, G. S., Kuner, A. D., Manunga, J., Chang, W., Spahic, A., Peret, A., Wieben, O., Johnson, K. M., & Eisenmenger, L. B. "Beyond Time-of-Flight MRA - Review of Flow Imaging Techniques". Accepted to Neurographics.

Capel, K. W., Roberts, G. S., Kuner, A. D., Manunga, J., Chang, W., Spahic, A., Peret, A., Wieben, O., Johnson, K. M., & Eisenmenger, L. B. Beyond Time-of-Flight MRA: Review of Flow Imaging Techniques. Accepted to Neurographics.

Reference Values for 4D Flow Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Portal Venous System

Huang, A., Roberts, G. S., Reeder, S. B., & Oechtering, T. H. (2023). "Reference Values for 4D Flow Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Portal Venous System". Abdominal Radiology, 48(6):2049-2059. doi: 10.1007/s00261-023-03892-3

Vascular Contributions to Alzheimer’s Disease

Eisenmenger, L. B.*, Peret, A.*, Famakin, B. M., Spahic, A., Roberts, G. S., Bockholt, H. J., Johnson, K. M., & Paulsen, J. S. (2023). "Vascular Contributions to Alzheimer’s Disease". Translation Research, 254:41-53,

*Authors contributed equally to this work.

Automated Hemodynamic Assessment for Cranial 4D Flow MRI

Roberts, G. S.*, Hoffman, C. A.*, Rivera-Rivera, L. A., Berman, S. E., Eisenmenger, L. B., & Wieben, O. (2023). "Automated Hemodynamic Assessment for Cranial 4D Flow MRI". Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 97:46-55.

*Authors contributed equally to this work.

Normative Cerebral Hemodynamics in Middle-Aged and Older Adults using 4D Flow MRI - Initial Analysis of Vascular Aging

Roberts, G. S., Peret, A., Koscik, R. L., Jonaitis, E. M., Hoffman, C. A., Rivera-Rivera, L. A., Cody, K. A., Rowley, H. A., Johnson, S. C., Wieben, O., Johnson, K. M., & Eisenmenger, L. B (2023). "Normative Cerebral Hemodynamics in Middle-Aged and Older Adults using 4D Flow MRI: Initial Analysis of Vascular Aging". Radiology. 307(3):e222685. doi: 10.1148/radiol.222685

Clinical Applications of 4D Flow MRI in the Portal Venous System

Oechtering, T. H., Roberts, G. S., Panagiotopoulos, N., Wieben, O., Reeder, S. B., and Roldan-Alzate, A. (2022). "Clinical Applications of 4D Flow MRI in the Portal Venous System". Magn Reson Med Sci, 21(2), 340-353. doi:10.2463/mrms.rev.2021-0105d

Virtual injections using 4D flow MRI with displacement corrections and constrained probabilistic streamlines

Roberts, G. S.*, Loecher, M. W.*, Spahic, A., Johnson, K. M., Turski, P. A., Eisenmenger, L. B., and Wieben, O. (2022). "Virtual injections using 4D flow MRI with displacement corrections and constrained probabilistic streamlines". Magn Reson Med, 87(5), 2495-2511. doi:

*Authors contributed equally to this work.

Abdominal applications of quantitative 4D flow MRI

Oechtering, T. H., Roberts, G. S., Panagiotopoulos, N., Wieben, O., Roldan-Alzate, A., and Reeder, S. B. (2021). "Abdominal applications of quantitative 4D flow MRI". Abdom Radiol. doi:10.1007/s00261-021-03352-ww

Exercise-induced irregular right heart flow dynamics in adolescents and young adults born preterm

Macdonald, J. A., Roberts, G. S., Corrado, P. A., Beshish, A. G., Haraldsdottir, K., Barton, G. P., . . . Wieben, O. (2021). "Exercise-induced irregular right heart flow dynamics in adolescents and young adults born preterm". J Cardiovasc Magn Reson, 23(1), 116. doi:10.1186/s12968-021-00816-2

Non-invasive assessment of mesenteric hemodynamics in patients with suspected chronic mesenteric ischemia using 4D flow MRI

Roberts, G. S., Francois, C. J., Starekova, J., Roldan-Alzate, A., and Wieben, O. (2022). "Non-invasive assessment of mesenteric hemodynamics in patients with suspected chronic mesenteric ischemia using 4D flow MRI". Abdom Radiol, 47(5), 1684-1698. doi:10.1007/s00261-020-02900-00

Implementing a Low-Cost Sawyer-Tower Circuit to Measure Ferroelectric Properties at Various Frequencies

Roberts, G. S., Young, S. M., Lancaster, J., Siegel, S. F., and Caruso, A. N. (2017). "Implementing a Low-Cost Sawyer-Tower Circuit to Measure Ferroelectric Properties at Various Frequencies" [Unpublished bachelor's thesis]. University of Missouri - Kansas City.